Located in Northern VA, Wildwood Landscape is a premier landscape and design company who is looking to fill the role of Sales Professional. In this role, you will be responsible for selling projects and designs, working independently with the support of our designers...

News & Events
2022 Leesburg Garden Show
We were happy to return to the Leesburg Garden show this year! It was a wonderful weekend. We had great weather and really enjoyed showcasing our expertise in Landscape Design and construction. This years focus showcased a comfortable living space for family and...
Leesburg Flower and Garden Show
Come visit us at the Leesburg Flower and Garden show! Come on out and see us this weekend. Supposed to be close to 80°. Hard to believe.[dmpro_masonry_gallery images="800893,800894,800892,800891" title_in_lightbox="on" columns="2" gutter="5" _builder_version="4.17.4"...
Gardens From Years Past
I thought I'd take us down memory lane to look at gardens from years past as we get closer to this years Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival. This was our second submission and our first time winning the design competition. The concept was a garden emerging out of a...
Leesburg Flower and Garden show 2007
This was our first submission for the show. I had just started the business the year before. I was interested in doing something different. I had been admiring and studying traditional Japanese gardens. This was our interpretation of a Japanese tea garden. We were so...

WildWood Moves to Great New Location
WildWood Landscape, LLC is pleased to announce their move to the corner of West Main Street and Bell Road – the former home of John Deere Landscapes and Overbrook Nursery. Owner, Jason Dengler – who built his award-winning company from the ground up in Purcellville – has dreamt about owning this site and making it beautiful inside and out.
“We are very excited about our plans for this 11-acre location. We used to love Overbrook Nursery. It was a place to learn about plants; they were friendly to homeowners and professional landscapers alike. They had well-educated staff to assist with everything from gardening and purchases to loading. A lot of what we know and appreciate about gardening and the gardening business we learned from Overbrook; we want to recreate that experience for our customers,” stated Dengler.
Even though the building and grounds are currently undergoing renovations, WildWood welcomes the community to stop by to learn more about their plans. Right now, customers can purchase mulch, top soil, compost and gravel. In addition to landscape design, construction and maintenance WildWood will expand its business in 2013 to include: Retail sales of gardening materials and a wide variety healthy plants, unique display gardens, bountiful plant and gardening information, delightful sitting areas and – most importantly – helpful staff who are expert and passionate gardeners themselves to assist customers.
Among WildWood’s goals will be guiding customers through the process of how gardens come together and creating a dynamic garden-center destination – a place where families want to come and spend the day. And, with education being a high priority, Dengler hopes to “provide the resources for landowners to learn how they can restore the natural canopy and soil in Loudoun County through sustainable gardening practices.
WildWood Landscape, LLC is located at 36328 Bell Road, Round Hill, VA 20141. Their shop will be open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Telephone (540) 338-7190, Fax (540) 338-6905. Website: www.wildwoodlandscape.com

News & Events
2022 Leesburg Garden Show
May 7, 2022
We were happy to return to the Leesburg Garden show this year! It was a...
Leesburg Flower and Garden Show
April 23, 2022
Come visit us at the Leesburg Flower and Garden show! Come on out and see us...